"Keep it simple": Why it's important to become more sensitive to our inner voice.


Feeling the breath of air in the balcony while doing my laundry this morning, something wondered around in my head. It was my new year’s resolution for 2020: “Keep it simple”, which I have come up with during one of the most stressful periods in my life.


Towards the end of 2019, my stress level was higher than ever that had me thinking,

“I feel like my life is now filled by all the ‘shoulds’ that left no time and space for ‘wants’ which I truly love

“Why am I lying to my heart and even suffocating myself? Am I not entitled to my own time/life?”

“Can I make my life less complicated than that, just like when I decide on a menu following my intuition?”


Those voices have become louder as my wonders piled up.

Coincidentally around the same time, I found myself being very unwell not only mentally but also physically. While suffering from depression followed by serious insomnia (firsthand experience of that my body honestly speaks my mind), I told myself,


“My health should always come first no matter what”.


I remember that I was debating over whether I should pick “stay true to your heart” instead of “keep it simple” for my resolution as the former one seemed to be a more direct representation of my thoughts back then. However, being too overwhelmed/stressed out with life at that time, I couldn’t be bothered picking the cheesier phrase like “stay true to your heart”.

Hence the “keep it simple”, as it sounded much better (and “simpler”) choice to me.


That being said, I pledged to myself that I would let any teeny tiny voices in my gut heard and make them visible, so I can follow my intuition to live my life in a simpler, yet more fulfilling way.


I remember I found it very interesting that in English people use “gut instinct” as one’s intuition when I first learned it, though it somehow makes sense to me when I think about my inaudible voices and feelings spring up from deep inside of my body, which usually end up as the damn truth.



Reflecting on those days, what caught my eyes was the beautifully blooming hydrangea in my house garden, which was originally from my grandparents' house.

My mom asked my grandmother for a cutting of the hydrangea as she was stunned by its gorgeous blue flowers. She brought back a cutting to the tiny garden of hers and started growing them very carefully, with full of love.

Of all those various colors of hydrangeas, blue one was by far the most favorite of mine so I remember I was really excited as watching them grow in my house garden.

However, when the hydrangea was finally bloomed, it left me in a bit of confusion.


The flowers of hydrangea weren’t blue anymore; they were rather reddish-purple, blooming as if it was their original color.


Later I’ve learned from my quick research that the color of hydrangea often depends upon the acidity of the soil on which they grow. My mom also told me that the cutting from the same hydrangea ended up having slightly different colors of flours in different areas of the garden.



The fact that the hydrangea bloomed in a very different color from my grandmother’s garden seemed to me as though they were blooming with some sort of intention.




We often see plants as something without any feelings, having no willpower or intentions at all.


Plants on the other hand, though can be very honest to themselves.

Just like the hydrangea in my house garden, some bloom in a totally different color depending on the environment they grow.

Some get weaker or don’t grow at all when the condition didn't meet.


“I can only bloom in this color on the ground like this”

“I feel like I’m going to get sick and die eventually in such an environment”

“I can barely breathe here. I can’t grow my branch any further”


It seems as if the plants embodied those voices when they grow, bloom, and die.


We notice something is up/wrong with plants when they bloom in a different color, get weaker, or even wither. Plants often show us some signs when something is up so we can learn from them and understand what’s best for them.




What about humans?



We wish we had some sort of superpower that automatically changes our hair color to green or even purple by our stress levels, but unfortunately, that is not the case.

With no superpower like that, our voice seems to be the only thing left we can use to let others know that we are not ok, but instead of raising our voice and say “I can’t do that” or “I’m going to get ill if I kept on forcing myself like that”, we often hide those voices from others or even from ourselves.


As lack of water makes most flowers die (except for the ones that don’t require watering), chronic stress often contributes to mental health problems or severe disease which could lead one to death in the worst-case scenario.



Each of us has a different level of capacity and strong/weak points, and we all know that.

However, it is usually the case that we are not entirely sure about the exact amount of stress that makes us sick unless we actually put ourselves out there and experience the specific situation.

When our gut tells us something is wrong, instead of listening to it we diminish the voice. Then we go on and start using our brain to think if the circumstance we are going through could be something we can get over with a different attitude taken in life.

Often we are told that we should not blame our environment for how we feel as some believe what we feel is the very byproduct of how we see/take things in life. While this could be true to many cases, we should also note that it is no antidote to every single circumstance we go through in life.

Solely believing in the theory that a change in your attitude is what’s needed here, you become more persistent, against your will and all those gut instincts.


“I know I can hang in there for a little more

You start panting, eventually getting out of breath, too.


You keep going until you finally realize,

“Wait, am I suffering from hyperpnea syndrome?”




If your gut still tells you "something is wrong" at this point, that is probably a sign that you might as well quit the thing that makes you sick that much. Whether it’s a toxic relationship or a mean coworker/boss at work, you shouldn’t let them tie you down anymore against your will.



By the time you’d probably think, 

“What’s the point on blooming in a desired color by others when I am getting out of breath?”

“I might die if I keep being exposed to the fertilizers that upset my organs



Unfortunately, you’d most likely suffer from mental health problems followed by physical symptoms if we pass by this phase leaving our inner voices behind.

It is therefore extremely important to listen to our gut and start watering ourselves before it’s too late.


Unlike plants, humans tend to hide every possible sign that makes them look unwell not to bother other people. Consequently, people around you have no idea about it seeing you behaving “completely fine”. This explains why it is usually the most unexpected people, those who seemed “completely fine”, are the ones who get down by a serious illness.


What’s worse is that the very person who’s suffering from a series of stress could also be ignorant about one's pain until he/she gets worn out.



The point I’m trying to make here is that we should never leave it till it’s too late when the gut tries to warn us "something is wrong".

Because the more we wait till listening to it, the longer it takes for us to recover from the pain.


Just like plants can recover from its damage when we notice it sooner and start watering them, humans can also heal from the pain and start walking again if we carefully listen to our inner voices and start watering ourselves.



When you are the very first person who can be aware of the message from your gut, why wait until it’s too late and become unrecoverable?



So let’s become more sensitive to our inner voice.

Because we can start from this very moment to be kinder to ourselves.






"Keep it simple": 心の声に耳を柄たせながら生きる。怍物ず人間ず庭の玫陜花ず




「そういえば今幎の目暙、“keep it simple”にしたんだっけ」


Stay true to your heart自分の心の声に埓うみたいな意味合いも蟌めおるけど、クサむ蚀い回しにしない方が圓時の自分には共感しやすかったから、

あえおKeep it simple「シンプルに生きる」にした。













 → 本来人生っおもっずシンプルなものであっおいいはずだよね








ず、自分を奮い立たせお圓時の私がたおた今幎の目暙が、“Keep it simple”だった。



“intuition”盎感、本胜の他にも、“gut instinct”胃腞の勘っお衚珟したりする。












「すごくきれいな色 うちの庭でも育おたい」ず、さっそく挿し朚を持ち垰り、我が家の小さな庭で育お始めた。

ピンク、癜、青、玫 ず様々な色がある玫陜花の䞭でも、青色の花が栌別に奜みだったこずもあり、私自身もその玫陜花の成長をずおも楜しみにしおいたのを芚えおいる。

























息苊しい環境やストレスフルな人間関係の䞭にいるずき 私たちの髪の毛が緑色や玫色に倉化しお異倉を呚りに知らせおくれる機胜があればよかったけれど、残念ながらそうではない。




















ここで倧事になるのがきっず、最初の頃に感じた違和感“gut instinct”が、




















そしお圓の本人ですら、そうなっおから初めお自分の心身の䞍和を無芖しおいたこずに気付く、なんおこずも 。




䜕が蚀いたいかずいうず、結局自分の“gut instinct”っお自分で察知しおあげるしかない。






























The concept of ubuntu: lessons from a simple guided meditation 「ubuntu」の抂念を、日々の暮らしに照らし合わせおみる

Hello folks! 😊

Today’s blog is going to be a casual memo on my learnings from one of the guided meditation sessions I’ve done a couple of days ago.

In my daily practice of meditation with an app called “Calm”, there was a session that struck me hard as it specifically resonated with my current feelings.

I’ve made a written version of the narrative (and a free translation of it in Japanese down below) so I’d be able to look back on what’s been said in the lesson, but I thought I might as well share this note with you as it could also be relatable to the current turmoil in the world today.

I kind of decided to keep my personal thoughts on this session to myself, too but I hope some of you find the story rather meaningful/relatable.













今回は私の考察やら䜕やらは抜きにしお、お話の意蚳にだけ集䞭しおみたしたこういった文章を蚳すのは奥が深すぎお、難しかった みんなならどう日本語にするかしら。





Source: Daily Calm Highlights – Ubuntu

Narrator: Tamara Levitt


Today, I’d like to talk about the power of humanity

We often think of ourselves as individuals, separate from each other or in competition with each other. When a coworker receives praise, we feel it somehow takes something away from us. When a friend celebrates a business success, we might feel jealous and angry at ourselves for not having a similar accomplishment.

This competitive world view can cloud our perceptions, and stifle some of our most wonderful human qualities. This reminds me of the story shared by a journalist, Lia Diskin.

There’s once an anthropologist who lived with an African tribe.

He assembled a group of kids from the tribe and proposed the game. He asked the children to line up and add his signal to run to the tree where he placed the basket of candies. The first one to arrive would win the basket.

The kids lined up, bobbing on their feet, awaiting the signal. But when he shouted go, instead of racing off in a competitive frenzy, the children held hands and ran together. When they arrived at the tree and claimed the basket, they shared the treats.

Later he asked, why they’ve done that, and they replied; “how can one of us be happy if all the others are sad?”.



This is the concept of ubuntu.



Ubuntu is a Nguni word that loosely translates as humanity.

Ubuntu is a philosophy, a way of acting that prioritizes the well-being of a group, above that of an individual.

Ubuntu relies on human interdependence so that no one is left behind; “I am what I am because we all are”.

Instead of feeling threatened by others, ubuntu trusts that we are fundamentally good. Every generous action, a kind word, or warm thought contributes to everyone’s wellbeing, including our own.

So let this be a gentle reminder, to see the world through the paradigm of ubuntu.

Allow our humanity to flourish, be generous, kind, and welcoming to others.


Remember that you are human because of the humanity of others.


As Desmond Tutu said, ubuntu tells us that we can create a more peaceful world, by striving for goodness in each moment, wherever we are.


【以䞋、意蚳 by sMoonie】

Source: Daily Calm Highlights – Ubuntu

ナレヌション Tamara Levitt













私はこうした事象を考えるずき、ゞャヌナリストのLia Diskinから聞いたある人類孊者の話を思い出したす。









そしおいよいよ  圌が「行け」ず叫ぶず































Desmond Tutu*¹によれば、ubuntuずいう抂念は












「なぜ今、ポッドキャストが熱い」今こそポッドキャストがお勧めな理由ず、私が実際に賌読しおいる奜きなチャンネルに぀いお😊 ~Part 1~





なんずなく聎いおみたいなぁ、ずは思っおいたものの、アンドロむドナヌザヌの私には聎けるアプリがないず勝手に思い蟌んでいたのです なんお無知だったんだ




















ほずんどのチャンネルが、広い範囲の、本圓に倚皮倚様な内容をカバヌしおいるので、倚かれ少なかれみんなにも楜しんでもらえるかなぁ ず、期埅を蟌めお曞いおみたす。











  1. On Purpose - Jay Shetty
  2. Deliciously Ella - Ella and Matthew Mills
  3. glenwood "HEART TO HEART" - 長谷川最
  4. The Lavendaire Lifestyle - Aileen
  5. The Self Love Fix - Beatrice
  6. コヌタの挢方的逊生チャンネル - 早川コヌタ
  7. Doing it! With Hannah Witton – Hannah Witton




  • 今回かなり長くなっおしたうので、蚘事を二回に分けお投皿するこずに決めたした。この蚘事では、最初の぀のチャンネルに぀いお解説しおいきたす埌半は、Part 2でご玹介したす
  • チャンネルホスト暪の、のなかに曞いおある蚀語は、そのチャンネル内の蚀語です英語、日本語䞡方あり。


  1. On Purpose – チャンネルホストJay Shetty (英語)



Jay Shettyは、䞖界的に名の知れたむンタヌネットパヌ゜ナリティなので、知っおいる人も倚いはず。

語り手ずしお受賞歎があったり、ポッドキャストやYoutubeで、人の内面的成長を促すようなコンテンツをメむンに制䜜をしおいたり私の過去の蚘事でも取り䞊げおいたす、元僧䟶だったり ず、倚矩に枡る掻動を繰り広げおいたす。


それはもう倚様なバックグラりンドを持぀ゲスト脳倖科医から50 Centたでを呌んで、毎回圌らの人ずなりや人生を掘り䞋げおいくわけですが、








  • Lisa Bilyeu: ON The Importance Of Having A Growth Mindset & Keeping Agreements With Your Partner
  • Jada Pinkett Smith: ON How To Heal Your Past & Love Yourself Again
  • Kunal Nayyar: ON How To Stop Obsessing About The Future & Programming Your Mind For Peace
  • 5 Things To Never Do In a Rush and Slowing Down in 2020
  • Jay Shetty Interviews His Wife for the First Time (To be honest I enjoy every episode of him with his wife Rhadi!)



  1. Deliciously Ella – チャンネルホストElla and Matthew Mills (英語)



実は、このポッドキャストのメむンホストEleanor Millsには、20歳の時に䜓䜍性頻脈症候矀ずいう病気にかかっおしたい、以来病院でヶ月を寝たきり生掻で過ごしたずいう壮絶な過去がありたす。




そしおこのブログこそが、今では健康的な食生掻を送りたいず考える倚くの人から絶倧な支持を集める「Deliciously Ella」であり、Mills倫婊が運営するビゞネスなのです。


食やダむ゚ットを取り巻くあらゆる情報の真停を突き止めお行くこずはもちろん、心身の健康やマむンドフルネス、倫婊でビゞネスをするこずのリアルたで、たくさんの話題に぀いおゲストず語り合うずころがポむント。圌女の興味関心分野は私のそれずオヌバヌラップする郚分が倚いので、正盎おすすめを遞ぶのが本圓に倧倉でした 。



  • Do We Need a Digital Detox? (with Tanya Goodin; a founder of Time to Log Off)
  • Plant Power; Eat Yourself Healthy (with Dr. Gemma Newman; specialized in holistic health, plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine)
  • Creating a more mindful life (with Steffy White; an international Yoga teacher)
  • Human Kindness (with Rutger Bregman; a Dutch popular historian and author)
  • Morning Routines (with Hal Elrod; the international bestselling author of Miracle Morning)



  1. glenwood "HEART TO HEART" – チャンネルホスト長谷川最 (日本語)








特にメンタルヘルス系の話題では、䞀人の人間ずしお傷぀いたり、萜ち蟌んだり、぀らい経隓を糧により良い自分になろうず努力しおいたり ずいった圌女の人間らしい䞀面をシェアしおくれおいるので、聞いおいるこちらが思わずりルりルしおしたう堎面も。




  • 第4回 Aging Gracefully | Guest: 癟々千晎
  • 第6回 The Power of Meditation | Guest: 氎谷掋子
  • 第9回、10回 The Power of Aromatherapy | Guest: アネルズあずさ
  • 第16回 Water | Guest: 橋本淳叞
  • 第19回、20回 Space | Guest: 瞣秀圊










“Why podcast now?” The reason why listening to the podcast has become a thing to me and some of My favourite channels/personalities 😊~Part 1~

I have become a huge fan of the podcast this year and been listening to more and more episodes on it especially during this time of the quarantine/stay home situation due to Covid-19 outbreaks.

The best thing about the podcast to me is that I still get to spend time on other kinds of stuffs (e.g. cooking, doing laundry, or just strolling around the neighbours) while listening to it.

That’s right, you are quenching your boredom thirst without feeling like you are attached to your smartphone 24/7. Currently been on a practice of “Online Detoxification” myself, which I will be talking about in a separate article, a realization of this idea was a whole awakening that made me got even more into this community. The fact that you can rewind the episode when you accidentally miss out on what’s been said is also something I consider a plus on the podcast. Besides, an enormous amount of learning you’d get just by casually listening to it is beyond your imaginations!

So today I thought I’d share with you guys some of my faourite channels/personalities on the podcast community. Although the contents being more leaning towards my interests would be the case as the list utterly relies on my personal recommendation, I believe most of them are equally educational to you guys up to some extent as they cover a wide variety of topics.

However, I’d say the list is especially highly recommended if your interests cover a topic such as Mental/Physical Health (from a wide variety of aspect), Stress/Anxiety Management, a Growth Mindset, building self-esteem, Food and Nutrition, mindfulness, Sex Positivity, Feminism, Contents Creations, Recovering from Childhood Traumas/Inner Child Healing, etc.

So without further ado, let me now dive into some of my favourite podcast channels.



  1. On Purpose - Jay Shetty
  2. Deliciously Ella - Ella and Matthew Mills
  3. glenwood "HEART TO HEART" - 長谷川最
  4. The Lavendaire Lifestyle - Aileen
  5. The Self Love Fix - Beatrice
  6. コヌタの挢方的逊生チャンネル - 早川コヌタ
  7. Doing it! With Hannah Witton – Hannah Witton




  • I have decided to break this list into two parts, so the first three channels will be the ones explained in this article (hence the part 1)!
  • Languages in the bracket beside hosts show the ones spoken in each podcast channel.


  1. On Purpose – hosted by Jay Shetty (English)



 Needless to say, Jay Shetty is one of the most well-known internet personalities in the world.

He is an Award-Winning Storyteller, podcaster, and also a former monk (yes, a monk!).

What I especially like about his podcast is his dedication to making his content as authentic as possible. He invites guests from various backgrounds and fields (from a neurologist to 50 Cent!), who often share their raw experiences and learnings in their life. Each episode mostly focuses on the importance of a Growth Mindset and how to make it into a real-life practice. Every episode is very insightful so you’d most likely feel like an hour+ talks have just flown by so fast.

Aside from his actual contents, his listening skill and the attitude towards his guests is one of the many things I enjoy on his channel. He has such a powerful way to draw more out of the guests, and of course, delve more into their stories. Besides, I always feel as if I could see his huge smile and joy manifesting on his face when listening to the channel as it projects his passion on each topic, and that he enjoys every single conversation with them.


~Some of my favorite episodes from the channel~

  • Lisa Bilyeu: ON The Importance Of Having A Growth Mindset & Keeping Agreements With Your Partner
  • Jada Pinkett Smith: ON How To Heal Your Past & Love Yourself Again
  • Kunal Nayyar: ON How To Stop Obsessing About The Future & Programming Your Mind For Peace
  • 5 Things To Never Do In a Rush and Slowing Down in 2020
  • Jay Shetty Interviews His Wife for the First Time (To be honest I enjoy every episode of him with his wife Rhadi!)



  1. Deliciously Ella – hosted by Ella and Matthew Mills (English)



 As you can see from its title, this podcast’s main topics include, but not limited to the aspect of nutritional health and how it affects our daily lives. After being diagnosed as Postural Tachycardia Syndrome coupled with autonomic nervous system disorder in 2012, she was determined to look after her diet and lifestyle which lead her to a whole foods-centric, plant-based diet. She then started journaling her culinary experience online as she found herself being unmotivated due to her symptoms, as well as being utterly ill-equipped with cooking skills. This online journal is the famous blog of hers, “deliciouslyella.com”, which has now turned into a famous brand, “Deliciously Ella”, run by Ella and her husband Matthew Mills. In her channel, she (sometimes together with Matthew, who is her husband and a business partner) discusses a wide variety of topics with her guests from food/diet myths, mental health, mindfulness, to the reality of running a business. It’s hard to choose my favourite episodes as most of the topics covered on her channel resonate with my interests as well, but here I picked a few of them for you as a starter.


~Some of my favorite episodes from the channel~

  • Do We Need a Digital Detox? (with Tanya Goodin; a founder of Time to Log Off)
  • Plant Power; Eat Yourself Healthy (with Dr. Gemma Newman; specialized in holistic health, plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine)
  • Creating a more mindful life (with Steffy White; an international Yoga teacher)
  • Human Kindness (with Rutger Bregman; a Dutch popular historian and author)
  • Morning Routines (with Hal Elrod; the international bestselling author of Miracle Morning)



  1. glenwood "HEART TO HEART" – hosted by Jun Hasegawa (Japanese)



 Jun Hasegawa is one of the most popular models/TV personalities in Japan, currently based in Hawaii, in which she grew up till 14 years old when she got scouted by the model agency in Japan. Being a massive fan of her since 11years old myself, this podcast was not to mention something to die for when I discovered. She explores a wide variety of topics with her guests from vulnerability, environmental issues, PMS, meditation, a famous Konmari method, and a lot more. By listening to her podcast, you can feel her peaceful, aloha vibes as well as discovering her curiosity and rawness through each episode. I just admire that she is willing to share with her listeners her learning process of embracing all the imperfections, and the vulnerability in those ups and downs in life. Also, if you’re someone willing to learn Japanese and consider yourself as an auditory learner, this might be a good place to start as she sometimes asks her guests to elaborate a bit more about some of the Japanese words and phrases they’ve mentioned since Japanese is not her mother tongue as well!


~Some of my favorite episodes from the channel~

  • 第4回 Aging Gracefully | Guest: 癟々千晎
  • 第6回 The Power of Meditation | Guest: 氎谷掋子
  • 第9回、10回 The Power of Aromatherapy | Guest: アネルズあずさ
  • 第16回 Water | Guest: 橋本淳叞
  • 第19回、20回 Space | Guest: 瞣秀圊



So those three channels make the first half of my favourite list of podcast personalities.

Hope you also enjoy listening to them!






It’s been a while! ~About the next article, upcoming blog ideas, and how I have been coping with life.

Hey folks!


I am aware that it has been a year+ time since I have updated my last blog here as it took me a while to come back to this place and restart writing.

This year has been a little too hectic, quite overwhelming one that I have literally been all over the places both physically and mentally. Under such circumstances, it is so hard to maintain one’s creative side and I’ve struggled a lot with it.

It has always felt like that I’ve been living in a very stormy weather; where a minute after I think about something, the idea would get blown away with a massive wind.


And it’s been quite exhausting to have constantly been reminded of that my true self was slowly getting undermined.


Then I’ve decided to take a pose, stay away from such turmoil, to take good care of myself.

Coincidentally about the same time in the world, an outbreak of Covid-19 has forced us to live under the Stay-at-home order from the government. So here I was staying home alone, thinking deeper and deeper (sometimes sinking deepest into my own messed up world), gradually started to think of regaining my lost passion and start writing my blogs again.

For days and weeks though, I’ve had these ideas flying around inside my head with an inability to write a single word.



One day, I have come to a realization that the idea of “writing content for someone else” is becoming such a deterrence to me.

When I started this blog, my sole purpose was to write down my feelings and thoughts on things, so I’d be able to keep them and look back. All of my past articles have been, for this reason, completely of my interests and sometimes I was too passionate that I wrote pages.


As for this being online, I (very luckily) had chances to share my interests with some of my lovely readers which sometimes lead to a good discussion, and I was honestly so happy about it.

However, the fact that my brain kept on telling me “your contents don’t matter to other people” or “that saying isn’t maybe completely fit to what I mean” was the primary reason that had me completely put off from writing blogs.


I then started asking myself; “I’d be more than happy if, anyhow, my blogs could lead to a good discussion among people or be something that people resonate with, but don’t I know goddamn enough that I am just purely incapable of writing something people-pleasing 24/7?”.

Then I went on and told myself, “maybe that’s ok, too”.


So here I am, with a total clean slate, dropping a new blog post for the first time in a while tonight!


Since I’ve decided to stick to my interests and curiosities, the topic is about “Podcast” which may not be of interest for a majority of people.

However, since listening to the podcast has become a big part of my life especially during this time of quarantine, I am more comfortable and excited to talk about it and share some of my favourite podcast personalities (which, btw, I think most of you also enjoy listening to as their contents cover a wide variety of topics) with you guys.


I’m going to talk about the benefits of listening to a podcast (kinds of the occasions when it beats other types of social media), my favourite channels/personalities on this community, and why I especially got into them.


If you’re thinking

“I don’t know where to start when it comes to a podcast”


“what the heck is a podcast, anyway?”

this might be the article for you so stay tuned! 😉



FYI, some of the topics I’m thinking of blogging after this podcast article would be


・Online Detoxification (especially turning off those push notification on my smartphone) practice and how it affected my life

・Starting mindfulness practice in daily life; observing how meditation affects my mood and mental health in general

・My favourite Turkish recipes (vegan, vegetarian-friendly ones included!)

・Observing my 8/2 vegetarian life

・My favourite Youtubers

・Review and comments on my favourite books, movies, Netflix series, and more





I will try my best to write most of the articles in both Japanese and English, as I want to improve my writing skills in both languages and practice translation, but this could totally be up to my condition as well.












䜕かをふず感じた次の瞬間には、その感情が颚に乗っおどこかぞ消えお行っおしたうような そんなもどかしさず息苊しさを感じながらずにかくひたすら走り続けた䞀幎間。






そんなずき、個人的な仕事面での倉化が生じたこずず、コロナりむルスの圱響も盞たっお私自身もいわゆるStay Homeの時間が増加。












「こんな内容読んでも誰も面癜くないんじゃない」ずか劥圓な考えではある 、

「もうちょい良い衚珟が 」ずか、ごちゃごちゃ頭を䜿っお考え始めおいる自分がいたした。





でも今の私には、四六時䞭People Pleasingな蚘事を曞く気力はない。












でも、個人的に今幎Podcastがめちゃめちゃブヌムで、もうそれこそ四六時䞭聞いおお特に今みたいに家にいる時間が長い時期めちゃめちゃおすすめ、奜きなパヌ゜ナリティもどんどん増えお っおいう状況で。






























基本的には自分のラむティングず翻蚳緎習のためにも、英語ず日本語䞡方の蚀語で同時に投皿、ずいうスタむルをずりたいのだけど その時のコンディションによっおどちらかの蚀語の投皿が遅れたり、たたは片方の蚀語での投皿で終わるこずもあるかも。



